Dimension:19.33*13.80*13.80*15.08 in 491*351*343*383 mm
Weight: 132.00 kg Norminal voltage: 2v Rated capactiy: 2000ah/10hr
Pakage: 1 pcs /box
Warranty Time: 5 years
Communication equipment
Marine equipment Emergency lighting systems
Control equipment Electric power systems
Fire and security systems Solar powered systems
Uninterruptible power supplies Telecommunication systems
Backup power
Features 1 Equalization charges are not required, reducing maintenance and labor costs 2 Our newly developed lead-calcium-tin alloy greatly reduces grid corrosion resulting in extended life (15-20 year life expectancy in float service at 20-25°C ambient temperature). 3 Large-sized VRLA Battery Series battery is manufactured in accordance with JIS C 8707 and YD/T 799-2002. 4 Adding water or taking specific gravity measurements are not required. There is also no need for an equalization charge. 5 The container and cover are made of flame retardant plastics which meet UL-94V-0 specifications.
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