Q1: How do we place an order?
A1: Please kindly send us an email specifying the item, quantity, color or other specification to place an order.
Q2: How do we make the payment?
A2: We accept Paypal, Western Union, T/T payment. Please do only pay to our official account.
Q3: What's the delivery time?
A3: Sample order: 1-3 working days; bulk order: 3-10 days working days after payment.
Q4: How would the goods be shipped?
A4: We ship via DHL, UPS, FedEx normally.
Q5: Is OEM/ODM available?
A5: Yes, it's available. We have 8 years' of OEM&ODM experience, which makes us more professional. For details, please kindly
contact us.
Q6: What's the warranty for the purchased items?
A6: 6 months.
This product is intended for use by persons 18 or older, and not by children, women who are pregnant or breast feeding, or persons with or at risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or taking medicine for depression or asthma.
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